Your SEO keywords are the keywords and phrases in your web content that make it possible for your target audience and customers to find your website via the search engines. A website has to be well optimised for search engines and must speak the same language as your target audience and answer all its niche’s questions. In this manner you can connect more potential visitor to your website. Using well targeted keywords and phrases will help you connect more searchers to your website.
During the digital revolution, your company needs to be able to compete on the global, online marketplace through the use of Keywords, Phrases and Snippets in order to be successful.
Put simply, in order to stand a chance against your competitors, you need SEO (search engine optimisation); Keywords and Snippets are a crucial pillar on which SEO stands!
So we at Total SEO Services are here to help your business understand what Keywords and Snippets are, as well as how to use them to your advantage in 2020.
Why does Your Business Need SEO?
“SEO” or ‘Search Engine Optimisation’, is the process of optimising your website and online content so that the prospective clients can swiftly find and access your website through search engines such as Google.
SEO Content is one of the most important forms of marketing on the global, online marketplace as it is specially designed with the aim of attracting and attaining search engine traffic. Content is what draws in customers and thus what makes your business successful. So to ensure your companies short and long term success you must invest your time, effort and resources into quality SEO content.
Overall, SEO controls how your brand is perceived by the search engines. Therefore, if you want your business to succeed it is crucial that you and your team learn to utilise the internet and search engine algorithms to your advantage.
To summaries, without SEO you will not appear high up on the SERPs (search engine results pages). This means that your website will not be viewed by many members of the public, as 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines. This will decrease your number of potential clients using or investing in your business. Consequently, you will lose money.
Whereas, by investing time and money into optimising your website and content you will appear higher up on the SERP. This means more customers will see it and will therefore be more likely to invest their time and money in your business, thus increasing your profits!
Hence, if you want your business to thrive and succeed in the global, online marketplace, you must use effective SEO Keywords and Snippets.
What are SEO Targeted Keywords or Phrases and Why are they Important?
Keywords range from single words to complex phrases that are prominent and pertinent in your content and relevant to your website and business. Keywords are used to inform search engines of your website’s content and therefore increase relevant, organic search traffic to your website.
Your target audience will be using keywords and phrases when searching something related to your niche, business or brand.
When effectively researched and optimised, keywords act as a conduit to connect your target audience with your website as search engine algorithms will detect these keywords and match them to relevant user searches.
By tailoring your content around effective keywords, you will appear higher up on the SERPs (search engine results page) as your content has sign posted its relevance both to the search engine and the user.
Optimal keyword usage in your content is therefore important as they give clues as to what your target audience might find when searching thus allowing you to better meet their needs. After all search engines are in business to help your target audience find the best answers to their questions. Your marketing department needs to utilise this when creating any form of web content to ensure it will reach your target audience. Good keyword usage in your content allows for a better marketing exercise which allows you to channel users and customers towards certain pages in your website.

Finding the right keywords and phrases to target is crucial to your digital marketing strategies.
How to Optimize Your Content around Target Keywords?
Here are some of Total SEO Service’s top tips and tricks on how to use your keywords effectively:
- Choose a relevant keyword. There is no point tailoring your content around a keyword that is not searched often. Therefore it is important to do your research! Make sure your keywords match user intent (what your target market is searching for) as well as your competitors use of keywords thus ensuring that you are on an equal playing field.
- Have your keyword appear towards the beginning of your title. This is called “Frontloading” your keyword. This is important as Google algorithm has a bit more emphasis on terms that show up early in your pages such as the title tag and headers. Goolgle has far less emphasis on keywords that show up later in the page.
- Make sure that your keywords appear not only in your title but in the first paragraph as well as 2-3 more times in the body of your content.
- Our hot tip is to make user of LSI keywords. LSI keywords are words and phrases that are related to the topic of your page. For example the LSI keywords of Bike are: Mountain, Road, For Sale, Shop, Women’s, Man’s, Kid’s. The use of LSI keywords helps to confirm to Google that your content is actually about that topic. A handy tool to help you find out more about LSI and keywords on your site is by checking out a free SEO tool called LSIGraph. All you need to do is input your main keyword into the tool and it’ll generate handful of useful, trending LSI keywords that you can add to your page. This will guarantee that your content is tailored and on trend to what your customers are searching for.

Snippets of news on one of the home screens of an iPhone 6 running iOS 9.
What are SEO Snippets and How Do I Use Them to My Advantage?
Snippets are a summary of your content that can be used for the preview of your article on a SERP.
These are important as it gives the search engine and the customer a quick insightful summary of your content which will help the search engine decide where to place you on the SERP. It will also determine whether the user will click through onto your webpage.
Therefore you need to ensure that your snippet is snappy so that the entire snippet can be read. It must be informative in order to give the user what they need to know about your webpage. And it must be enticing in order to ensure they click through onto your website which may lead to their investment in your business.
You can also invest in the use of Rich Snippets. A Rich Snippet is a Google search results with additional data displayed. This extra data is usually pulled from Structured Data found in a page’s HTML. Put simply, Rich Snippets take a normal snippet and add to it.
The vast majority of Google search results display the same 3 pieces of data:
- Title tag
- Meta description
However, Rich Snippet presents reviews, jobs, recipes and events alongside this information. Consequently Rich Snippet results are more eye-catching than normal search results. This can lead to a higher organic Click Through Rate (CTR).
Therefore the investment of time and money into Snippets and Rich Snippets is valuable as you will reap both short and long term improvement in SERP position, consequent CTR which leads to more potential customers investing in your business.
Invest in your Business’s Future with Total SEO Services.
We believe the best way to ensure that your content is tailored around effective target Keywords and useful Snippets is to invest in the help of an SEO company that understands what makes top quality SEO content.
At Total SEO Services, we offer a variety of strategies in order to improve your company’s SEO marketing to help you compete in the global, online marketplace.

TSEO will help you manage the ever more complex digital marketing landscape!
We also offer the affordable installation of structured data onto your webpages and content. This will ensure that you rank higher up on SERPs, leading to more business growth and success.
By investing in our companies services, you will save time and make money.
On top of this, we can update or even build you an entire new website that is readable, user-friendly, and optimised for mobile use we prefer to call it mobile first. This will mean that your website is more up to date and accessible, leading to increased use and consequently increased revenue.
By implementing top quality SEO strategies, our SEO specialists can help your business to become a top competitor in the global online market!
Total SEO Services is the key to unlocking your business’s potential! Contact us by visiting our website or calling us on 01142 667 996 if you want to invest in your company’s future.